Music for the Head Ballet


Gordon Lamb of Athens’ Flagpole Magazine reviews the album, Sore Thumb (June 14, 2023).

“The irrepressibly productive composer and musician Andrew Steck releases his newest album, Sore Thumb, this week, and it’s available online and reportedly in local stores on CD as we speak. Running a tight and eminently digestible 10 tracks, Steck advised that this one would feature a more “rock-oriented” rhythm section, and he delivered on this. Up to now, Steck’s work has largely existed in that liminal space between the actual 20th century and the 20th century as it exists in popular imagination. On this new album, he resolutely occupies the real thing and channels such artists as jazz great Herbie Mann, unapologetic experimental weirdos The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, Peter Gabriel-era Genesis and more. Find this at and, if you dig it, throw some dollars in his direction. Lord knows he’s earned it.”

The loquacious Mr. Steck responds: “Thanks!”

Later he adds that the album can be purchased as a digital download or in CD form through the merch store on this very website.

Or stream it wherever you stream. You get the picture.


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