Gordon Lamb of Flagpole Magazine writes: “IMAGINARY THEMES: Composer Andrew Steck released his new album Theater a few weeks ago. The goal of these compositions is to replicate, or at least imitate, a night at the theater, and Steck reports that individual pieces were thought of as “instrumental one-act plays,” with the shorter tracks serving as “set change” music. Each piece is a grand affair with instrumentation ranging across a wide swath of techniques. That said, it can be a lot to take in one sitting, but don’t let that aspect dissuade you from checking it out. Steck is a monster talent, and this work deserves an audience. This is available as a compact disc, too. Find it over at https://andrewsteck.bandcamp.com/album/theater, and keep up with Steck at https://www.facebook.com/andrewsteckcomps/ as well as the home of his label Arfus Records at arfusrecords.com.”
Imaginary Themes: Theater reviewed
Regular Human Music
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